Sunday 20 January 2013

Dinner and a Movie!!

The movie I picked is called Baran Its an Iranian Film that has english subtitles. So I could understand it.

This movie is about this young boy who is 17 years old Iranian worker name Lateef that falls for a young afghan worker. This is around the border of Afghanistan, and Iran so there a lot of Afghani refugees coming to that certain area in Iran. So the worker that came from Afghanistan came with her father. Her mae is Rahmat, so Lateef at the beginning thought Rahmat was a boy,  he was jealous of her because she was working better than him. Lateef ended up finding out she was a girl, and he ended up falling in love with her.
I decided to watch this film becuse  love foreign movies, and a meal that I saw Rahmat cooked in this movie for her father is called Ghormez Sabzi which is just Stew with Basmati rice.
So what I did was watched this movie with my sister, and made this dinner for her.

  • Fresh spinach  1 bunch or 1 medium size package.
  • Fresh dill 1/2 bunch.
  • Fresh parsely 1 bunch.
  • Fresh cilantro or 1 bunch.
  • coriantro 
  • Fresh Leak (tareh farangee) 1 bunch (use only the green stems).
  • Fresh chives  1 bunch, or substitute stems of one
  • bunch of scallions 
  • Fresh fenugreek
  • (shanbelileh) 1 bunch, or substitute 1 table spoon
  • of dried shanbelileh.
  • 1 pound stew meat (beef, lamb, veal, etc.), cubed. I used beef.
  • 4 dried lemons  or,
  • 1 table spoon dried lemon powder 
  • 1 medium onion, finely diced.
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric (
  • 3 tablespoons cooking oil.
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice (optional).
  • 1 cup of pre-soaked dried beans, or substitute 1 can.
  • A touch each of salt, pepper 
The first picture is my basmati rice i have cooked with the rice cooker. I have soaked the rice with  salt for 2 hours then i boiled it till it came to half cooked. As soon as it was half cooked I drained the salt water then put the rice in the rice cooker so it can be big, and fluffy because that the why I like it. In the second picture it  shows me cutting onions the way my teacher taught me in class. He said you are suppose to pinch the blade with your thumb, and index finger just as it shows me doing in that photo. The third picture shows me boiling the beef spinach stew in the pot, and the last one shows me serving it to my sister, and I. After me making this meal my sister loved it to the point that she learned how to make it, and makes it more often. This is a famous Iranian dish although I'm not Iranian I enjoyed making it, and eating it!
At the end of the movie it brought my sister, and I to tears. Would it happen to you would you be inspire to make this from a movie? let me know what you think!

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