Sunday 20 January 2013

Micro and Macro Nutrients

Micro And Macro!!!

I feel like everyone should know what Micronutrients and macro nutrients are because it very important especially for your diet. I know it coming out of the person who's blog is jut about junk food, and all but I had to share this let me now what you think I would be happy to hear it! :) 

There are two types of nutrients which we need for our survival, micronutrients and macronutrients. This division is based on the quantity of a nutrient the body needs. We need micronutrients in small amounts and macronutrients in large amounts.
Micronutrient are nutrients that the human body needs in minute amounts so that it can function properly. Although, micronutrients are needed only in small amounts, their deficiency leads to critical health problems.In fact, most of the diseases and conditions that people face today are due to deficiency of micronutrients. The World Health Organization (WHO) says that if we ensure elimination of micronutrient deficiency, labor efficiency will increase multifold

Source I got information on : Micronutrients vs macrnutrients. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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